February 28, 2009

20. Rock ‘n’ Reflections

Orakei L  original

In the light of day, the depths of darkness, more reflections from Orakei Basin environs.  I can see a footprint on the RH side!

February 27, 2009

19. Light Releaf


Gorgeous light reflecting on the leaf as it floats by

February 26, 2009

18. U.S.O.


Hmmmmm … what’s under the surface?

February 25, 2009

17. A hop, step and jump from the runway


Always something to reflect, in this case, the blue skies above Auckland International Airport

February 24, 2009

16. A Thousand Feet Low

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A little bay at
Mangere Bridge,
early one morning ….
But someone had been there before and made symmetrical rows of tracks backwards and forwards across the bay … most bizarre ….. Are they human tracks?
Too big for birds;  certainly not crabs …  can’t imagine what would possess someone to do this.

February 23, 2009

15. Queenio

QMII 012


This evening, the Queen Mary II sailed out of our harbour at 10pm. Thousands of people hugged the shoreline to witness the spectacle as she sailed by in perfect weather conditions. I didn't have a tripod so this was the only photo that was in focus, but what a sight!

February 10, 2009

14. Catch 22


Appeals to my sense of humour – where are all the fishermen?  They’ve left their rods to do the catching while they sheltered from the rain alongside Tamaki Yacht Club

February 9, 2009

13. Raindrops Keep Fallin’ On My Window …


Part of Rangitoto Island, as seen from Kohimarama Beach, through my car window and the rain; still beautiful

February 8, 2009

12. Crazed

Water Gum Arabic Ultramarineblog2 I thought this was quite interesting.  I had been experimenting with watercolour paint (again / still) and decided to see what the addition of gum arabic would do.  I forgot to clean this little plate, and in the morning, this was the result of the water, gum arabic and ultramarine mix.  Cool.

February 7, 2009

11. What Yacht Scott?

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The beach is usually
littered with bodies,
but not today ...

Today, in the rain,
and with no wind,
it belongs to the yachties
A long time becalmed out there, 
but they finally return …

February 6, 2009

10. Reflections in the Fountain

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Mission Bay fountain never fails to entertain

February 4, 2009

8. Ding, Ding, Dinghy

Glendowie Road 6-2-09 034

Luckily I happened upon this dinghy at the right time of the day. I love the intensity of the reflection - it's good enough to paint.

February 3, 2009

7. Heron There

Tahua Torea 4

Late afternoon, no-one else around expect me and the heron

February 2, 2009

6. Just Cruisin’

St Heliers Bay 012

I would like to say that I planned this shot, but I was photographing the waves and happened to have my camera on a setting to capture movement, when this seagull took off, heading straight for me.  Yay.

February 1, 2009

5. Confusion

St Heliers Bay 017blog

I live in the Auckland suburb of St Heliers and this is our local beach which forms part of the stunning Auckland waterfront. Love the interesting sharp lines of the elements and contrasts of dark and light in this image – would make for a good abstract painting.